The concept for the exhibition PRINCESS CASINO stems from Alina’s interest in ancient civilizations and peoples who largely built their cultures around the cult of death.

The concept for the exhibition PRINCESS CASINO stems from Alina’s interest in ancient civilizations and peoples who largely built their cultures around the cult of death.




In her research, Alina focuses on the funerary customs of the Etruscans, contrasting them with how death is perceived in much of the contemporary world.

The Etruscans, for example, believed in an afterlife and considered the tomb to be the home of the deceased.

For this reason, objects that could aid them in the afterlife were buried alongside them. Their funerary rituals emphasized depictions of joyful scenes (celebrations, dancing, music, and similar activities), and men and women were portrayed as equals.

Interpreting the theme of death and its perception in the past, present, and future, while connecting it to her questions about humanity’s technological advancements and their consequences, Alina creates a "walk-in" artwork that takes us into an unfamiliar space existing on the boundary between the real and the virtual.

The Etruscans, for example, believed in an afterlife and considered the tomb to be the home of the deceased.

What is the impact of technology on the human race, and how has progress influenced our relationships with ourselves and the world?