2022 / Dupka Contemporary
A video animation inspired and appropriating images from media that created trauma in her young impressional mind in order that appears in the video:
Video of A Chechen soldier beheading a Russian soldier | Pinocchio | The persona of Michael Jackson | Mr. Bean Destroys America's Greatest Painting | Spirited Away anime | The Lord of the Rings animated movie | “Come to daddy” and ”Window licker” Aphex Twin | Viva Forever Spice Girls.
The objects in this exhibition are positioned in the gallery space in no particular order
One Neopet from the breed Acara named Kiara.
Оne Gameboy Color.
Оne bootleg Barbie mermaid.
Оne schlumbergera represented as a palm tree.
Оne pair of women's shoes from a village.
Оne Mickey Mouse Tamagotchi.
One Yu GI Oh poster.
One Britney Spears poster.
One stool with a broken leg.
One chair.
One german porcelain doll from Schwarzwald.
One Furby.
One diary filled with cutouts of pop stars.
One burning Bukvar (children's primer).